Sunday, June 17, 2007

My Week

If there is one thing that I've learned these two past weeks, is NEVER trust a woman! I'm sorry to say such words, but when your work is very dear and near to your heart, there some things that should stay out of the work place, such as having to hear your clinic supervisor is having an affair with one of your co-workers, no I'm not joking this truely happend, they both got fired a weekend ago. While I and Ch were at a graduation party, I got the call from one of my co-workers I was in the shower when she called she asked if I worked the night before? I said no I was out of town visiting family I said why? She told me that my supervisor and the Lead Massage Therapist was having an affair. I was in total shock! Here I thought I would be nice and let her know that God loves her and every thing with work, and family would be okay that she needs to continue to beleive that. I went as far as reading scriptures to her. I can't believe I trusted her, I thought she was better than my first clinic supervisor, then to find out that not only did she have an affair with a C.M.T, but she also had two other guys who were members to come to her house while her husband was away at work. Her hubby is in the military, and she has a son as well. Or should I say had a family, apparently she's done this before and she won a loss suit against the guy. Now she's done it again, this time my former co-worker is pressing charges against her, it's been a huge transition at work. We have refused to hire another Clinic Supervisor, until we are sure we are in need of one. Right now the responsabilites have landed on the shoulder's of the owner and one lead Therapist, and a receptionist, who has refused the position of clinic supervisor. They both love what they do they just don't want the responsibilites of clients that cancell their memberships and deal with advertising. Which I don't blame them, there is still a lot of pieces to pick up. We are slowly getting back on even keel.

I go into work on Monday the energy of my work was so awful, that I was feeling very dizzy. I couldn't come home they needed me there, it's one of those situations that just doesn't make any sence. To why she did such a stupid stunt like this? She was on several different kinds of meds, she was even taken Welbutrin and took herself off of it. I asked her if that was a good idea? My husband takes that, I was startled that she wouldn't see her doctor first, before she took herself off of it. She had every one fooled we thought she was a god send, aparently she didn't care who she hurt as long as she got whatever the hell she wanted. And yes she was a believer she claimed to have grown up in a Christian Private school one of her relatives is a preacher and she grew up in the bible belt. Either she had me fooled or she was really good at telling lies, and didn't care about anyone except for herself. She is gone and there is no turning back, she took my friendship and ruined it! And I can't believe I was so nice to her. It goes to show that making friends at work is just not a good thing. You would think that I would learn my lesson from working at different places, and yet I let the nice one's hurt me again! I'm okay I just feel hurt and confused as to what caused her to do such a rotten thing. Will I ever trust a woman figure again? I'm not sure I work with more gals than I do with guys, and sometimes males can be down right mean too.

We recently had a gossuping male therapist working for us, he was not some one I trust what so ever and yet my boss has put him on call. We are not working on the same nights I refuse to work with some one that doesn't know how to keep his thoughts and nose out of peoples conversations. You think that this stuff would actually end after high school, it goes to show that there are still people out there that don't care about another humans feelings. It's strange how my work place's energy changed after this weeks events, it's more peaceful, has more of a positive out look than it has since it's been open almost a year ago this coming August. We are a family of healers that just want the clients be at peace with themselves. It won't happen if there is so much negative thoughts and power, it makes work unpleasent.

On Thurs, June 14th my ex clinic supervisor was arrested for making a faulse police report. Right in front of her son and husband, who showed no emotions on what was happening, we are refusing to hire any new clinic supervisors at the moment we are putting one of my massage therapist in charge of the us, while one receptionist that has been with us for several months will be in charge of the receptionist. For the time being until we can figure out what to do next, there is no rush in getting someone new to take over the duties of getting things we need. The owner and her husband are taking care of us. Which feels better than having someone that just pulled every one against each other. We are making progress it's slow right now at least it hasn't stopped us from not being busy day after day.

In the meantime this post is very late getting published, it's hard when I don't know from day to day what C is going to pull. There is still five posts on how my feelings are, I'm sure I'll get the time to write them out, as soon as I can.
J just finished his school year out on Friday we check out a school for C on Wed. to see if this will be a good placememnt we are also waiting for a bed to open up at a hosipital in S.F. I'll post more on this soon.


Rob said...

"On Thurs, June 21st my ex clinic supervisor was arrested for making a faulse police report."

I confused since you posted this in your blog at 6:42 PM on Sunday June 17, 2007.

Summer Rose said...

Rob - this post was started on June 8th, here it is the 17th. So you see there is a huge gap, it's really hard putting posts together.

Just Me said...

Wow, this really sucks. We usually spend more time at work than at home, so co-workers are important. I am sorry that a friendship was broken. No time sharing God's truth and love ever comes back void so it sounds like you shared something vital with a person who needs it. He will keep after her, working on molding her into the person she was created to be.

That said, it still hurts and I am sorry for that - not all women are like this. You prove it by being someone who has integrity enough to expect something more.

Summer Rose said...

Just Me - It is very painful, I think of her often. The only thing I can do is continue to pray for her. God know's best, it's just very hard to accept all of this.

Summer Rose said...

Okay Rob thank you for pointing out my typo, it's been a while. I need to post more often. :)