Saturday, November 14, 2009

I've seen you guy's pass me....

But I never thought I would see one of you on top of k rail then having to be pulled by a tow company, although I must say truckers are either safe when driving or in a big rush with little room to move; this one started five miles back before he came to rest in the middle of the k rail. My mom in-law was on her way to work when this trucker had a mishap, the driver was going faster than the intended speed limit, mind you high way 12 is getting a new face lift at this moment in time.

The truck driver was given a ticket for reckless driving, and I'm sure his trucking company would love to see a pic of how well their driver drives this one ended up on k rail with no place to go. I didn't believe it at first until I and Ch were over at his parents house and asked if we had heard about a big rig that drove onto the k rail, we both said no. Ch being a state worker had thought was to be an accident on 12, when in fact it was this driver on k rail.

Although I must say I've seen you guys take a little more road than necessary but I guess your just one of those unlucky ones to find themselves up off the road.

Please be sure to read the posting on high way 12 they do say 45 miles per hour and for a good reason. Please be sure to know there is k rail ahead.

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