Tuesday, December 01, 2009

In Memory Of J.L.

As of 10:00 a.m. pacific time my best friend Linda lost her husband to brain cancer, I was there until 1:00 a.m. this morning arrived home at 1:30 a.m. got a few hours sleep after hitting the snooze button a few times.

I have cried but not in front of Linda she needed me to be strong for her, her family is grateful for a friend like me, J.L. is now resting with the Lord; I did give him his last massage last night after I worked on Linda and her daughter who was the verge of having a panic attack.

I went over there after receiving a phone call from one of her cousins to come that J.L. had passed. The family Christmas tree will not be turned on until I feel I'm ready to have it lit, as I'm not in the holiday spirit although I did pick up a gift for a needy child, I'm not ready to celebrate the birth of our savior.

Please bare with me as I'm in grieving for the loss of a client and a friends husband.

I leave you with this:

Live from the Center is a life of unhurried
peace, and power. It is simple. It is serene....
We need not to get frantic. He is at the helm.
And when our little day is done we lie down
quietly in peace, for all is well.
Thomas Kelly

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