Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Pink Eye Pink Eye

Please go away I'm missing work, and money to do things with. This is terrable not the best feeling either. I haven't missed a days work since, I got back from having my surgery done back in Jan. It all started last night I was out putting air in the ring of our pool because it has a slow leak, which I still cannot find, I've got most of them patched this one is a hard one to find. So last night before bed I took some hot med which I thought would cure what was ailing me, this morning I had no engery to do a work out or even going for a walk either. So I called my boss at 5:30 this morning, left a message, later she called me back she couldn't believe how bad I sound, sore throat, my eye is burning, just feeling awful. She said rest I'll let them know you will not be in. An hour or so later I called my doc's, which almost didn't happend because the advice nurse thought I didn't need to be seen and just have a phone consulation. I don't think so! I want to see my doctor please! Is it so hard just to come in and make sure it's not strep throat? So I got my appointment, saw a new doctor, because mine is out on leave for the next three weeks GRRR! The one I saw today was fine so it didn't bother me, who I saw as long as he/or she knows what they are doing. Sure enough he gave me a perscription for some onitment, told me to stay home for the next three days. Please tell me your joking right? He said no stay home until you are better or feel up to working. My work calls me I tell my co-worker, my eye is full of puss and it's burning. She said no worries we've been slow for the last three weeks, so why should this week be any different? You know there are times when things like this are ment for a reason, what that reason is I don't know.

So now I'm stuck in bed, with nothing to do. I'm not up for anything my eye is bothering to the point I want to scratch it, which won't help it. I've got a few good books to read which isn't all that bad. I love being busy like to work, I love my hours that I put in each day, and like any job I do have an annoying co-worker who can't stand the poeple that we work with. If you love what you do you should not be so negative about all the time. It doesn't help those who love their job, that makes them feel very insecure. In the mean time I'm going to rest up the best way I can and hopefully J and C will not bring any more kids over to play with; I'm really contagous this morning my eye is worst than it was yesterday.

Speaking of J and C, they are both not sick. C is enjoying his school as long as he goes to bed on time. J will be starting school on the 21st of this month, two weeks left then our house will be very still no one will be saying I'm board, or there is nothing to do. We are looking into getting J involed in 4h this year, I've already talked to his former teacher she said as soon as she gets back from vacation she will let me know when the first 4h meeting will be. He loves animals and this should be something that he may enjoy, a week from home isn't all that bad, okay so the laundry will be needing to be done. I'm willing to get him to do anything that requires him not watching t.v. or, getting himself into trouble with neighborhood kids who don't listen. In the meantime I'm not feeling all that well, and wanting to feel better go back to work so I can make some money.

I'm pretty much board out of my mind, I've never liked staying in bed. And this is one cold that I'll be glad to get rid of. My torso, legs and arms don't bother me it's my throat and and eye that have gotten the best of me. I think it's time to get my immune system back and go for a walk. Hopefully I can bring myself in writing something else.


Boobless Brigade Master said...

Get ya some Johnson's Baby Shampoo and some Q-tips...
Clean the inside, lower rim of your eye lid 2-3 times a day...
This will help clear up the infection quicker and next time you first start feeling that burn, it will keep it from getting infected period:)

Summer Rose said...

Boobless Brigade Master- I was beginning to wonder where you've went; Thank you for stopping by and giving me an over the counter remedy. I had to get a perscription for it.