Monday, February 04, 2008

Gone Too Long

Just a short post to let you know, we are doing okay. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, we are in the process of getting the help we need for C, I just pray that it will be soon. This past Friday was my sister in laws 5 years of being clean, she is very proud of what she has accomplished. We also bought a new computer to replace the one that died on us, I will get to your all of your bloggs as soon as I can figure out how to upload them. Most of the ones that I read are private or on Ch's list of ones that he reads. In the meantime may you all have a blessing of a week, my blog is here to stay. I have too many posts to delete, and the hearteche of leaving here would be too much. I have made a lot of friends through here I'm not about to shut down any time soon. I will change my background when I get the chance. For now Good Night.


Crazy Computer Dad said...

good to hear from you. Check out google reader ( when you can. You can put the blogs you read into there, and then you read them like email sort of. Also like google mail, they stay at google, so you can get to your list anytime and from anywhere. It really makes keeping up with most blogs very easy. I hope CH is doing better and that you find the help you need for your son. Mine is starting to become very oppositional and somewhat violent again. Take care.

for a different kind of girl said...

Glad to come here and see an update and to hear you all are still out there and kicking. Lots of thoughts for you and CH as you forge ahead in getting help for your son!

Summer Rose said...

CCD - C just turned that way yesterday he is not allowed to wear a belt at school. Thank goodness someone was smart enough to sow buttons inside the jeans so you can tighten them up.

FADKOG - Thank you for the kind thoughts they are much needed. All I can do right now is pray that help will come soon.

Mermaid Girl said...

Glad to hear you guys are ok, was wondering where you were all at :)