Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Signs Of Autumn

The dog days of summer have finally come to a close, most of us are looking forward to the Autumn days of racking leaves in a pile and children jumping into them; giggling and laughing pretending there is not a care in the world, just a having a bit of fun before the weather turns colder. While most will be cleaning the gutters and winter proofing the windows before the first frost; the carving of Jack-o-lanterns on the kitchen table. The smell of Autumn flavor on the kitchen stove, the smell of soups and backed goods freshly made rolls as by passers take in the smells of Autumn. Freshly baked apple pies sitting on the counter, ready for dessert after dinner topped with home made whipped cream; Pumpkin pies are made and frozen to be used a later date.

Ah yes the signs of Autumn are once again upon us, the changing color of leaves, all in peak of color reds, yellows, oranges, and browns. dotting the landscape each tree a different color, and no two leaves are alike; birds nest abandon inner twined in tree branches. Left behind until warmer weather returns. The findings of unwanted guests in the garage eating the cat's food, laying curled up in a ball, five feet from the garage steps. Realizing an opossum has decided to call the garage home, the making of Summer ending; the returning of Autumn all dressed it's beauty.

Will have some of us to wonder how does mother nature does it? Puts on a show of Autumn colors for us to enjoy and the unwanted, untamed animals that decide to crawl in from the outside looking for a warm place to hide. And once again that damn opossum is still in my garage! Of course I politely asked CH to kill with one of his guns, he gave me a dirty look since we live in city limits it could not be done. Alas that unwanted opossum went in hiding since the lights were on my laundry sat in the washer over night while the opossum staked it's claim. Leaving enough space between the garage door and the concrete for the unwanted guest, hoping opossum would leave the premises, finds its way back to nature.

My fond memories of this time of year, without a drop of rain to be had. We are still in a red flag warning too much wind, and dry grass makes it for a bad sign, cooler temperatures may have arrived not enough to keep the red flag warning away.


cinnamon girl said...

That's beautiful.

It's the opposite here. After living in the tropics for so long, I'm struck dumb by the Spring-ness of Spring. I haven't seen a real Spring for years and the smell of all the flowers is overwhelming! It's so colourful and beautiful.

Summer Rose said...

Cinnamon Girl - It's good to hear from you, glad your enjoying your spring time weather.