Monday, December 19, 2005

For the Water fowler

As many of you know ch goes out hunting a lot and sometimes, things don't go as planned. Yet the thrill and the cold doesn't keep him from his favorite outdoor sport. And having a disadvantge day does leave him a little cranky. With little sleep to spare don't bother him when he's having a non hunting day! So here is something that just give you a lift if your day is bad.

A Late Fall For The Hunter
Finally a late fall has arrived!
The long awated storms have
come. The would be hunter up
before dawn. To hear the geese
and ducks above, tens of thousands
a limit he is hoping. Will it happen?
To hear and see the birds against grayness
of wet skies above.
To hear the bird calls is heaven to
the hunters ears; Yet misery sitting in cold, wet blinds
with lots of hits and misses. Only hoping to get a few shots
in before calling it a day, To watch in awe as the geese and ducks
make their passes. Calling to one another just as a hunter calls.
They answer back and wonder if this is the shot he should take.
At the end of the day the walk from the blind a few lucky shots
maybe a goose or some ducks. Yet a good day in the blind beats a bad day
with the boss!

1 comment:

Confused Husband said...

Thank you baby.
I love you so much.
CH ;-)