Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sorry no title

It's been a while since my last post, I had a lot of stuff to do that I've really negleted that needed my attention. I felt those were the top of the list to do, during this time of year I'm getting cookies made for Christmas and making sure everyone has every thing they need for the week. And sometimes I do run into the mode of okay I've done for everyone else, now I need to work on the spritiual side of me that has really been negleted for quite sometime and in order for me to have this time I put the kids to bed read them their stories and then I'm headed for my room with no t.v. no computer and just cuddle up and read. My time to finally unwhined, I know ch rather have me in his arms for me that just doesn't do it I feel as if he needs me to do something around the house or watch t.v. when you have a five year old that is in school three days or sometimes four depends on the child I can't sit with him and watch I've already done that during the day and I feel board and out of sorts. The last two weeks for us yes we've watched our shows we like to whatch then it's off to bed I can't seem to sleep at times, I'm wondering what I haven't done for myself lately? Ah ha! that's it I haven't picked up my bible in while no wonder I'm feeling this way. I'm kind of like Mary having a Martha moment if you know who I'm talking about one sits at the lords feet while the other is running around with some much to get done with so little time to do it in. (Okay laugh if you must)! because I'am, and as you can tell I read the whole book I finally finished it after the bible study that I was attending finished it before I did. And ask why? for one I had my schooling, working, homework, clinic hours and of course the kids. So when I finally finished the book I can honestly say it had a few good points and some that were not so good, it did bring some insite on what happens to us who find themselves wondering which is best in the moment. I'm working on my last book for the year The Power of a Praying woman by Stormie O'martin I know she has a good one Praying for your other halves I have that book in the garage tried reading it and I wanted to throw it across the room! Why? well for one I married an unbeliever thats a tough one to write, I just cannot read it no matter how hard I've tried it just doesn't cover the situation that I've been in with ch. Give me anything on my career or another kind of book that will work for me I'm fine with it. Just don't pressure me reading that one. Of course ch did buy me Purpose driven life set for Christmas two years ago I still haven't been able to pick it up and read it on second thought I got as far as front page and stopped. Right now I feel should I stop writing? or should I continue writing some more? My hands are getting tired and my eyes are starting to fuz over I think I'll leave for now and if I find something to write or respond to a question then I will for now good night.


O272 said...

Summer, you should work on the spiritual, physical, and mental side of you every day! I know it's difficult with working, kids, and all of that, but it's so important! No need to feel guilty about it. A happy mom makes a happy family! :)

Sorry...didn't mean to go *Oprah* on you there! ;)

Summer Rose said...

When I don't have time to read I, have two books. One I have in the house the other in my truck called Daily Wisdom for Women and the other that I got for xmas last year is called Light For My Path.
And if I don't get a chance to read then I'll put some contemporary christian music on which helps.
P.S. thank you for going *Oprah* on me! :)

Digger Jones said...

I have seen some of the Stormie O'Martin books and they look good. Praying for your husband should be priority #1 for you. Really. That is the mission field that God has given you and the security of your family hangs in the balance. I know first hand how difficult that can be when you aren't sure how much you even like this other person at times. But this is the fight of your life. God wants ch more than you do, believe it or not. I can write and pray, but you are on the front line. May God's grace help you to persevere.
