Thursday, November 16, 2006


Usually I'm at work right about now, today was one of those damn it why the hell couldn't C get himself back to sleep!?! Not that I don't have anything to do today. Oh just a few loads of laundry. Found two mice in a drawer this morning, Ch decided to open the drawer where all of my silver wear are in, and since I'm the one who can't stands those awful looking critters. So I came up with this great idea of pulling the silver wear tray out of the drawer sticking peanut butter to the glue trap, closing the drawer and see what happens in the morning. To my amazement I'm still half a sleep half a wake because C decided he wanted soda and one that contains caffeine not something you should give a child at 8:00 p.m. Why couldn't he have picked one of those other juice or water type of drinks and being tired, and a little stressed I wasn't about to argue. So as Ch is getting ready to make his lunch he, hears this racket in the drawer where the glue traps are laying, there is one mouse on the glue trap one jumps out of the drawer lands on the floor. Okay this is not what I wanted today. By this time quick thinking mind, still feeling very sleepy. I open the door let my cat in she's smelling around I move a trash can out of the way, the mouse unsuccessfully tries to get away, lands in the mouth of my lovely kitty. And after J is out of the shower, and dressed I handed him his bb gun, so he can shoot the one thats laying on the glue trap. Took him three tries to finally get the aim right and shoot it for me. What a sweet boy that I have. :D Told C to say away from his older brother, until he was done using his bb gun. And C stayed with me in the living room.

So after J gets out of bed to see what all the fuss is about he's very tired looking not as tired has his mom is feeling at 6:45 this morning. AAARRRGGGG!! So I attempt to get ready for work fond myself more tired than usually so I called into work left a message saying that C wasn't feeling well and I wouldn't be able to make it in. So my boss calls me and says you have client that has requested me and is due at 10:00 a.m. Couldn't she tell there was something wrong with me? It was bad enough that I didn't recognized my receptionist that had made the phone call. She the receptionist asked if I was okay I said no, I had only gotten an hour of sleep this morning, and my boss says I didn't receive any recording this morning. That just makes me feel even more worse after I had made the phone call at 7:03 a.m. and she's telling me there is no message? Either there is a problem with the phones, or someone erased my message! So my boss says goes into this spill, of showing up yada, yada, and I'm the one who has to drive a bad road. I'm not going to cause a car crash because I'm feeling very tired and there was no way she could convince me to come in. She changes things around, and says we'll talk later! More than likely I'm out of a job come tomorrow afternoon, and everyone who either calls in and doesn't have a replacement it's okay for them but it's not okay for me? Talk about sticking up for those who know how to work her over.

About 10:00 a.m. this morning I had just enough energy to take C to school since there is only one day left then they get out for Thanksgiving break, which is fine with me. My sister will be here to watch J and C, or just J. C will be going to the after school program during the time that I will be at work. When I got back home and since driving does tend to put me to sleep, it's a good thing I only live 5 miles from his school. I came home and went right back to bed, for about an hour got up worked out and I'm now feeling a little better. I just hope tonight I will get a better nights sleep. I dislike not being able to get things done, and I don't like the fact that I'm the one that is always getting into trouble with my boss. I don't do a damn thing to piss her off. And just because I don't hang out to talk to her or be buddy, buddy to her. She has no right to single me out, as many would say what comes around goes around. I just wish there was some way of letting her know, it wasn't expected of me not to show up. And the fact that I did call, and left a message. I'm just bearing the fact that to her I'm worthless! And don't deserve anything. Working here has caused me to really believe that everyone is going to be like this, and there is no way of getting out of this mess, at the moment.

All I ask of my readers is just to pray that nothing bad happens, and that she will find it in her heart, that I'm not a bad employee. And just because I don't make friends with her she has no hard feelings towards me. I'm there to work, to make sure everyone is feeling good after their treatment.

I will leave you with this:
All of life becomes charged with
meaning when you realize that you will
live every moment in the sight of company
of the all-seeing always-present Creator.


Rob said...

"All I ask of my readers is just to pray that nothing bad happens"

SR, I truly hope that everything at your work turned out ok for you.

O272 said...

Hope C is feeling better by now! How'd the job thing work out?

Don't you have cats? Mine would be all over a mouse! He likes leaving me *presents* on my front porch! Eeek!

Summer Rose said...

Rob - I'm finally learning that, my boss has an open door policy, and I need to make the attempt to say hello to her.

o272 - C was feeling pretty damn good so I took him to school so I could try to get some much needed sleep.

As for my cat's they can't get the mice without me pulling my whole kitchen apart and leaving my kitchen a total mess.
She did kill and ate that mouse. eeewww