Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Back To Normal

As most of you have read it's back to normal, I did take my loving sister back home over the weekend. Which was a good thing, even if two boys who decided to fuss and fight over not wanting to get ready to leave. One was overly tired fought with me on getting ready to leave, one didn't want to go, he wanted to stay home, which was impossible because CH wasn't here to watch them he was out hunting. With my sister's help she got J up because he was overly tired and complaining of not getting enough sleep, the night before. I explained to him we are running a little late I wanted to be out of here by 9:30 because of the traffic. I also had a little bit of a surprise along the way. Between getting ready to leave and a phone call that I didn't want, which was my work wondering if I could cover for a no show therapist, I declined work. Because I wouldn't be able to get on the road until Sunday. And since school started on Monday I wasn't about to attempt to take her home the following day.

So what was this surprise that I briefly mentioned? I stopped off at my Aunts and Uncles house on our way to my god mothers. They live out in the country, my uncle is a foremen for a dairy that is across from where they live, we don't see them very much and I know that family is very important. I and my siblings have always had a wonderful relationship with them, we always went to their house for the weekends or they would come to our house. They are the only ones who would actually give us kids the time of day, where my mom's brother wouldn't bother with us kids. They would see us every other summer or send us some crazy Christmas gifts, or their daughters would tease the three of us about living on a farm. We didn't care and to this day I still don't talk with my late mom's brother or his wife lost contact with them after my mom had passed away no calls, no letters, which is fine with me. I could careless about them.

As for the one's that visited with on Saturday, they have always been there for us kids. We use to go up and stay almost every weekend with them. I remember my uncle calling my mom and telling her that his wife was expecting any day and if she wouldn't mind being there if she needed anything, my mom called the schools, and she had neighbors watching us while my mom took my aunt to the hospital. We pretty much grew up living on a dairy with my cousins every other weekend. The stuff we use to do would drive my aunt crazy with worry, she would get after us kids for jumping off of hay bails, she was pretty concerned that one of us would break something. His boss that he use to have before he moved, had an apple orchard, every fall he would bring us buckets of apples, my mom would have at least four pies made by the time us kids got home from school. Or she would can them to have for the winter, I remember having them down for Thanksgiving, my mom had her best baked apple pie for desert my uncle loved those pies. He even enjoyed her pumpkin pie as well. Any way back to the visit.

It was a bit of a surprise for my sister, she looked at me and said where are you going? You will see if I don't get lost, I didn't say that out loud though. So we get off the free way and my sister is still looking at me and she says to me, are you sure you know where you are going? Yes I do know where I'm going? We pass one of my uncles house he recently bought which is now up for sale, and we keep going on this country road that seems to go for miles. We get up to the house, and there are a few cars we don't recognize my sister said stay here and I'll go and see if anyone knows our uncle. She goes to the door knocks and a older woman answers the door a second later our cousin comes out to see who is there, she's in total shock that we actually stopped by. She tells us her mom is due home any minute. The woman that had answered the door who knows no English only Spanish. Who is totally not sure who we were, and my cousin thank goodness knew us, was very happy to see us. I forgot to mention my uncle and aunt are Spanish and they are my late moms, brother and sister in law from second marriage.

Our cousin couldn't believe we were there, our cousin explained to us that her mom would be home from work any minute, she said that could at least stay for a while we said sure, we weren't in a hurry. We got filled in on all the details of what was happening with her brothers, one is married living not far from his parents, his sister isn't too crazy over his wife. What can you do but to love them both. One just got off of work, two took off, the other wanted to be included on the conversations we where having. He was a bit surprised, on how well we knew his older brother and sister. My aunt walks into the kitchen gives us both hugs and couldn't believe that we were there, she was very happy to have us there. She gave my cousin some money, so she could go to the store and buy stuff for lunch, she asked if she would call her dad and asked if he would be home for lunch? He asked her why? She said you will see when you get here. To my uncles surprise his favorite niece's were there.

The food that was cooked was amazing, Carne asada, beans, a Mexican salad which included cooked cactus cabbage, lemon, and a little bit of homemade salsa, Oh I almost forgot the tortillas. My aunt had made another Mexican dish. Talk about good, it was every thing that I remembered from my childhood. The other women that we didn't know at first was pretty surprised that our cousins knew us, and after the rounds of greetings and exchange of names. There were more hugs, and welcomes in Spanish. I and my sister we get by on little Spanish that we have. My family asked us all kinds of questions, and wanting to know where my hubby was at? I explained to them he does a lot of hunting, fishing, and working. My other cousin asked if he could come up for a weekend to go fishing on the delta, I said sure call ahead of time so we know not to make any sudden plans. My uncle said he tried to find my house, he couldn't find it so I got on their Internet, got the directions for my uncle so the next time he knows where to go. After we had our lunch, my aunt got to thinking and said you know what today is? We said no? Please tell us. She said in Mexico it's Little Christmas, I can't remember what it means in the Mexican culture. She said that on this day, some one in the family cooks a big meal. My sister and I stopped to think about what she was explaining, we said that something kept telling me to stop off at my uncles house. I didn't dare tell them that it started, before I left the house.

We had a wonderful time at my uncles and aunts house, they said we need to stay in touch a little more often we said we would do so. It's moments like this I'm so blessed to have a wonderful understanding uncle and aunt. We did make it to my god mothers house, stayed there for a short time, turned around and came home. Both boys were pretty tired after playing all day. Actually J was more of the I'll hid from everyone else and C was worn out from jumping on the trampoline that was set up in the yard. I'm just happy to have a peaceful house again, I don't mind having my sister here with me. Sometimes you just need your own space.

This is all for now, I'm thinking of posting a HNT pic, I know it's been a while since I've done one of those. If any one has any thoughts on what to take a pic let me know.


Rob said...

"If any one has any thoughts on what to take a pic let me know."

I'm sure that CH has lots of (naughty) thoughts on that topic! (evil grin)

O272 said...

You could do a before and after surgery pose? (I mean way after 'cause I don't want to see anything stitched up!)

Other than that and CH's meal bowl, I think we've seen the rest! ;)

Anonymous said...

It's all about the garter straps, SR.

Confused Husband said...

Rob I actually do have a few thoughts of pictures to take and post up. :D Nothing like what O said though. No one but me gets to see my "meal bowl". Sorry guys.

We do plan on doing a before and after shot though. Probably do the before shot in 2 weeks, and just for O I'll do the after shot the day she comes home.

Therese in Heaven said...

What a blessing to have good relationships with your family!

Summer Rose said...

Rob - Not on your life! I wouldn't have my lower half photographed.

o272 - As Ch has mentioned, I'm going to do a before and after done. I think you've heard enough of meal bowls for a while.

CH - I'm all ears to what you have in mind.

lbp - LoL! I don't own any of those, I'm not lying either.

Therese In Heaven - Yes I am very blessed to have close family like, the one's I grew up with.


Rob said...

"Rob - Not on your life! I wouldn't have my lower half photographed."

SR, is that where CH's naughty thoughts are always focussed? Who'd a thought that he was like that! But then you went and married the lad soooo you must have known, eh? (evil grin)

Summer Rose said...

Rob - Lol!! no his thoughts are not always focused on my lower half. His mind is on his last weekends of duck season.

Rob said...

SR, are you telling us that his mind is on his duck(s)? Just checking... (evil grin).

(Wait til O finds out)

Summer Rose said...

Rob - That's it I'm throwing in the towel! I'm out of comebacks for the time being!