Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year...And A New Look!!

It's been a long while since my last post, so much has been going on that I haven't really had time to put everything in words. For those who have read CH's posts, and wondering why CH hates Kaiser so much, I had finally gotten a hold of them lost my temper, since November they never called me, after I left a message asking them to return my call, to have my surgery done on my breasts. They finally returned my call about the second time I made my complaint known. The receptionist finally called me back and asked what I needed? So this is where the fun begins none of them knew that I had called back in Nov. none of them realized that I had my consultation back in August three 1/2 months ago. She finally comes back and says, you did this two years ago. I shot back and said it was in August that I had another consultation with one of the best known surgeon's at Kaiser in W.C. she starts checking again and said yes you did. Another fun fact to deal with. Your surgeon had openings for your surgery all of December, so why wasn't I notified about it? I've been waiting for two months, for this surgery and your telling me he's had openings way before Christmas? How could you do this to me? I'm the one who has been in pain for the two months it gets worst with each menstrual cycle (sorry to gross you guys out). She said we usually don't take people who have been seen recently only those who have been in six months ago. Oh really, new times gal you either get me an appointment or else! I'm tired of playing games with you people, I even went as far as letting her know that I've had trouble with this surgery department since my very first surgery I've ever had.

After our little ti ft on the phone, I got my appointment. Which was made for Jan 5 Th changed to Jan. 31st no set time just yet. I understand when a young woman has been told she has cancer she goes before me, so they gave her my appointment instead of switching with someone else when I'm sure I'm not the only one who has surges set for the same week. What can you do? Even though I've requested the time off, I needed to get this done. Now I have to talk to my boss who is such a brat! and try to ask for my hours back, she told me once she wouldn't do it, I don't know if she will change her mind. She's the type that doesn't like to make changes when we request them, she's already hired five new massage therapist and has already given me the time off that I needed. It's any one's guess what she will do to me. I could careless what she does to me I can and will find a new job. I've already have a new resume set up, to find a new job with.

J and C have been out of school for three weeks, and are due to return back to school on the Jan 8Th. I really do feel for C, he's had one week of playing at his after school program before Christmas and now he's really, really board. There are few things that interest him, and yet he thinks that no one pays attention to him and he starts acting out. The last two weeks have been full of rotting, bad behavior, and there is no one that I can turn to but to keep letting C know that we love him. J being the oldest has stated he's ready to go back to school, being out for three weeks has been very board. So having two kids being board has brought the worst out in both of them. It's either Mom! he's picking on me or Mom! I can't find this or that or whatever they both find something to fight about. Talk about wanting to lose my patince, and wanting to pull my hair out with both of them, they both need to find something they both can agree on.

Before I close for the night, May every one's New Year be better than the last. As for my new look it was time for a change. I needed it badly, even though I didn't mind the pink, just needed a new look for a New Year.


Just Me said...

Happy New Year to you. I will be praying for you and your surgery - including your bratty boss!

Rob said...

Happy New Year SR. Yes, I agree, your blog's new look does look great! Btw, your link to O's blog doesn't *quite* produce the desired results! :-)