Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mmmooommmy It's Cold!!

Yes C mommy knows it's cold, and that is why you were suppose to wear your warm p.j.'s. It's been in the low 20's most of Cali, has been under a freeze warning since the temps have dropped, there is no rain in sight, light snow pack for Lake Tahoe and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better. Yesterday morning I wanted to see if was any warmer and I found ice on the inside of the sliding glass door. The same day as the mold inspector was coming to our house. Ch showed his dad where the ice had been, after it had warmed up by the sun it had melted away. Of course I wanted to do a little science experiment to see how cold it's gotten.....let's just say it's much warmer in the house than dealing with water. Actually our water hose has been frozen solid and that's been a real pain in the ass. I and Ch has had to take water from the house to our running auto's to get the ice off the windshields, and having them freeze right back up again.

As for the day time temps depends on where you live, for us it's barley in the low 40's if we're lucky in the high 50's. Barely an end in sight, as of right now we're still having two more nights of low 20's and close to 60 during the day starting tomorrow night back in the 30's, a slight change not by much. I've just about had enough of this cold freeze I would rather have some freaken rain! And were not getting any of that, not this month I've looked into the forecast for next month for us, not much better, no rain higher temps, we'll see. I'm not too thrilled with this weather outlook, I've seen it this dry before. Reminds me of the droughts that I grew up with as a child no rain, and the rain that we would have it would fall side ways where it wouldn't touch the ground because of the high winds that would come with it. We would wake up the next morning with not a drop on the ground. The mountains would get the same treatment barely any snow and the ski resorts have had their fair share of hardly any snow on the ground. I've seen pics on the news on how the skiing is in Lake Tahoe, it's there but not like it's been in the past two years. Reminds me of what it was like when I and Ch, had gotten married with little snow on the ground. The driving conditions haven't been that bad for us, we're not living in tough parts of Cali, I've seen the pics heard the traffic reports. It could be a lot worse, and thankfully it's not.

I'm making sure that both boys are wearing head gear to school, and both of them are dressed warmly enough. J doesn't have a long walk he picks the bus up at the school near our home and they take him across the highway to the middle school there. C gets picked up in front of our house and they drive him to and from school. Each night after work I have been changing into warm sweats and a pair of warm hunting socks that Ch bought me, they keep my feet nice and toasty. It's too darn cold to go with out something warm on the feet. By the time the sun starts to set the temp starts to drop. Even though it's been cold in the mornings J has refused to let me drive him to school no matter how cold it's been, he would rather walk in the cold. He's got a warm coat he's been wearing, and warm shirts underneath, it still doesn't set too well, with me. The only thing I can do is pray he doesn't get sick from the cold, that would mean that I will not be able to have my operation done at the end of the month. Which by the way is in two weeks and counting. And yes I will be posting a pic of a before and after, I'm a little nervous over this operation I know this one will be more intense than the last four I've had done. This one has a little more recovery time than my previous surgeries. I' ll be glad when it's all over and after a months rest or so I'll be back to doing my normal activitesAnother long drawn out post sheesh! You think by now I would be able to post and maybe start on another. With the kids back in school and with my work it's been a little difficult to get any posting done. May your weekend be a good one and if it's cold your way I'm thinking of you.

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