Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Silence

I haven't told many people, Ch knows we've made jokes about it. Health wise I know that I'm not alone that many women go through this, many have said I'm too young. I haven't really said much about it in the past few years. Because it comes and goes, lately it's been a little worse than other times. I haven't had the chance to do any research, I'm too involved with both boys and no time to really look up any information, I've been told that many women younger than me have not had any children because their bodies seemed work against them. In my case I was very blessed to have two boys when we did, I'm slowly going through a change that is suppose to happen to older women, in their 40's not in their 30's. I'm not letting this awful change get the best of me. I'm learning to keep my tongue in check, I know that this is very important, I can't let every little thing get to me.

There are a few things that I don't like about this, is dealing with mild hot flashes. Yes people I did say that awful word! And not taking it back. Oh and the change of my sex drive, I haven't mentioned any of this in any of my post over the past year, because I thought it would go away on it's own and who was I kidding! At my last appointment back in April of this year, I was talking to my obgyn about my changes. We did a pap found that my body was differently going through what most women go through in their later years. I wasn't sure how to respond to this, I've known for a long time; Not knowing how to come out and say I've got this change and I'm going through and it's bit annoying if you ask me. So basically I've been living in silence not wanting to discuss any of this with any one, to be honest with you all I'd rather not have brought up this subject, but it's gotten to the point that I needed to write about it.

Sure there are times that I think of other kids, then just at that moment J and C start fighting then I realize that, it's better just having our two boys and not another one. I'm thrilled to have my two boys to keep me on my toes and play soccer, go fishing and just being able to enjoy them while they are growing. When I finally realized that these two were going to be it, my mind wanted to scream, I felt numb being told that I was going through the change, I felt like someone had taken the air out of my lungs. I asked my doc how does this happen? I'm young aren't I? This is something that we had talked about a year ago, and now it's caught up with me, and I don't know which was worse having a much needed surgery or having to be told that my body was going through premature menopause. It was like part of me just felt lost, not really sure if this was even happening. I wanted to be left alone, wanted nothing more than to come home and have the house to myself.

I remember coming home and telling Ch I'm fine, my iud is still in place and that my obgyn wants me to start watching my weight little bit closer, since I'm a little bit older. Nothing too serious, that every thing is good. I have to take a multi-vitamin make sure that I'm still eating healthy, which I do. Instead of five days a week she wants me to put in six days of workouts, which I do every other weekend. And to keep up the good work that I've been doing so far, nothing out of the unusual, has happened she did take a look at my breasts to make sure that they were doing good from the surgery that I recently had done. She was glad that every thing came out great that there were no complications. She did stress that I should be working out a little more, about 30 Min's longer than my normal routine. I may end up doing that this fall since it will be useless to try walking during a rain storm. Other wise I'm in pretty good health, part of me was dying inside as I was talking to Ch, we both knew that I was constantly getting sick. But that comes with having kids, if one of them gets sick well your next in line to catch whatever it is that they came home from school with.

So here I am finally letting every one know that I'm letting go of my silence, and that Premature Menopause is no walk in the park, because that's how I've gained weight and now I'm fighting to loose it. With the holidays slowly approaching believe me it's going to be hell for me, I'm not going to let this interfere with my baking. I'll just have to make sure I've got a lot of fruit on hand, lots of ovaltine mix for my milk, that way I won't be snacking on the cookie dough, or anything else for that matter. And watching how much food I put on my plate, doc's orders told me to be mindful and I shall.

My thoughts and prayers have always been very positive, no matter what I've been through and they will continue to do so.


Phyllis Renée said...

When I turned 40 I started feeling it coming on. My doctor perscribed exercise and vitamins. I can't begin to explain why somehing so simple works, but it does. I haven't experienced the hot flashes too much, though there have been times I chomped on ice nonstop because I couldn't seem to stay cool.

It is a good thing to break your silence. I think you will find that it is easier to go through with others than struggling alone. I've been able to embrace my everchanging body (from the inside out) and try to find the humor in those things I have no control over. Hang in there; this too shall pass.

Confused Husband said...

A few things here dear.
1: Would I joke about something as serious as this? I mean seriously I would never joke about how great it would be when you go through the change and don't have a visitor every month.

2:So does this mean that I don't have to go get the snip snip done? ::fingers crossed::

3: You really haven't even discussed this with me. I remember you saying something after a visit that your Dr. thinks you might be starting early but you never said anything else about it.

4: So did I read this correctly that you are sad about not having more kids and there's the possibility that we can try for a daughter? :D
Love, CH

Summer Rose said...

phyllis renee - thank you, your words are very encouraging. I have one question, what type of vitamins are you taking? I've tried the regular centrum they didn't do much for me. I'm wanting to try their centrum for women and see if that would make the difference.

Ch- no you wouldn't joke about something this serious. As for the :::Snip::: depends on how long this will last.
As for having a daughter you can fly a kite on that one. You know damn well I freak over needles, i was bad with C you really think that I would want another. IN YOUR DREAMS!!
Love You too

Just Me said...

SR - I am glad you are out of the closet with this, mostly because secrets are to damn energy consuming! and maybe one of your readers has already done the research and can save you all the internet work. My prayers are with you as I pray God'll coordinate your hotflashes with ski season!

Summer Rose said...

Just me - that's what I was wishing for when the first set of hot flashes came on. A little snow would do me wonders in the middle of the night. :D
I'm not much of a skier haven't been on a pair of skies since 6th grade.

Phyllis Renée said...

My vitamins are One-A-Day for Women, fish oil (to keep my emotions in check), and vitamin E. It seems to be working. Hope this helps.

Summer Rose said...

Phyllis Renee - At this point in the game I'll try Centrums for Women, and see if that will make any difference.

Boobless Brigade Master said...

Hmmm...I don't know what's worse.
Going through the change slowly and having an adjustment period to get used to the idea or just waking up one day and being menopausal (that's what chemo does).
Me thinks, either way it just plain sucks. LOL!
It definitely has to be something you learn to embrace though because if you don't, well, than you're just in for a whole lotta heartache. Why subject yourself to that?!!?
We can treat the symptons with various drugs...but we are our only defense when it comes to how we *think* about it.
This is just another part of life, as sure as death itself.
Ya gotta learn to celebrate what was and actually look forward to what comes next;)