Monday, June 02, 2008

Post below

The post was written on May 27, 2008. As far as I can tell my faithful readers, C is not making much progress as of last Friday the 30th his behaviors has cost him his speech class, he is suppose to have being stated in his I.E.P that speech is part of his school work. When a demand is placed on C he gets mad and starts throwing a fit. C is then taken out of the class room and put in a quiet room on campus. The only progress that has been made on C's part is his math he is almost at grade level whether he continues to learn at his own pace that is up to C, on June 11th we will travel up to where C is staying, I can not begin to tell you what it's like having a child that knows so much but has behaviors that are a mistery to all of us. This all for now will write again soon.


for a different kind of girl said...

I can only imagine how stressful these experience make your lives, and even then, I'm sure I'm not able to imagine it to the degree it may be. I'll continue to offer up prayers of strength for all of you!

Summer Rose said...

Fadkog - Thank you for your prayers and strength. I look at the cup as being full instead of half full.

My Brand Of Crazy... said...

HIs current behavior is probably exactly what the people there expected it to be. Resistant. It's human nature. Some people adjust quickly and others take a little extra time.
Keep hanging in there...
You all are in my thoughts;)

Summer Rose said...

My Brand of Crazy - Nice to see you again, after I put two and two together. Yes you are very right we're headed up to see C as soon as Ch get home from work in fact I've got fill out a permission slip for J.
Take Care of yourself