Sunday, November 13, 2005

It's about time

I'm not really sure how this is going to turn out or if I'm doing the right thing by writing how I feel. Or if I should give him credit where credit is due. And I know there is two sides of the stroy. I will not bad mouth him I'm sure he's done a very good job of doing that to me. Nor will I put any thing that is done behind doors will remain there,(sorry not the type). Only the issues of moving on and remaining peaceful with everyone, I also what to thank each and every one of you for the congrats on the job I'm thankfull that the Lord came through for me. I prase him every day for the things that I have. Having a very kind, giving and forgiving loving heart. I'm sorry for being so short I will try to write later if I can he is out hunting for the day which is a very good thing we have been under alot of stress lately and it would not have been fair for him to miss his hunting season any more. That is his love before we married and I've tried it had my fair share of the cold not for me! Sorry dear. I like I said I wanted to keep this short.


Digger Jones said...

Yahoo! I can be the first commentor on a brand spankin' new blog! Yahoo!

You still might want to pick a name of your own instead of M2C. You are your own person and I suspect maybe having differing points of view towards certain things.


Digger Jones said...

Okay, now for a real comment. I just wanted to roll thatone out quick before someone stole my spot.

Confused has actually taken a lot of pains to go easy on you. Relatively easy. He has his complaints like you have yours. It's okay. The whole "Too much oil in the car" thing was just one of those dumb things. It wasn't mean or malicious, it was just dumb. I'll have to tell you about how I totalled several thousand dollars of my Dad's machinery sometime.

Go easy on Confused. He may seem insensitive, but his feelings for you run deep.

It's open season on me, though. Feel free to give me the devil, and take your frustrations out on me. A comment you wrote actually has provided some much-needed fuel for a blog entry. Thanks!

Um. You might not want to say "you're welcome" until you read it. You'll know which one, because I'll be linking to you.

Congratulations! I hope you'll be able to stick with us for awhile.


Desireous said...

Welcome to blog land M2C!!!


DH said...

Welcome to blogland M2C. I'm looking forward to reading your side of the story.

How frequently do you think you'll be updating this lil' ol thing?

Anonymous said...

Actually he sounds like someone who's just waken up into a nightmare of his own making.

this is a teachable moment.

Find neighbors to watch the kids,
trade for a weekend or something.

YOu're starting all over.