Monday, April 30, 2007

100 Posts!

Wow now that's what I call, a lot of writing! Actually I could've hit my 100Th during lent, since I needed time to regain control, over my spiritual life. I'm a much happier person. Things at work are going well, I'm no longer wanting to quit, which is a good thing, now if only the receptionist would take a second to see what modalities I'm aloud to do it would make my life so much easier. Life goes on, I can't complain, as long as there is someone who does a better job at Deep Tissue I can, then I won't have any problems.

As for last night, it was a little crazy Ch called me and said J's glasses are in and if I didn't mind if he went and bought a new camera, that's fine we do need a new one the one that we had, it's been through the ringer. It's the one that has seen it's shares of hunting, fishing, family gatherings and birthdays since it was given to us as an early Christmas gift one year from mom and dad in-laws. We've put it to good use. It finally gave out about a week ago or so, didn't want to focus any more, didn't want to take any more pictures and the batteries kept dying in it. Yesterday we needed a camera, the same time J's new glasses were in so Ch called me and asked if it was okay for him to buy a camera with out me. I said sure you know what you are looking for I don't, as long as it's user friendly. Camera's and me don't get a long very well, when you have so many things to do and don't have the Patience to learn then it gets complicated.

Ch brought home the camera realized that it had the wrong battery, and cord he had to make another trip back over the bridge another $4.00 toll, they gave him one that would charge in the truck and would be ready for this evening. While he was dealing with a camera issues, I stayed at home and made dinner which turned out pretty good with a little helping hand from my mom in law. So what was I making that needed a little help with? Homemade Lasagna! We make this once in a while, it's not every often that we get to have this kind of dinner. We were suppose to have both parents over and his grandmother, Dad in law came down with a bad cold so mom in law and grandma, and the four us were the only one's here for dinner.

After dinner came the fun part, opening the presents! That my loving, caring family got me. Two out of five presents I knew about, my mom in law let it slip she got me the necklace and matching earrings for my birthday, she even threw in her Satin Hands set from Mary Kay. That stuff really works! Better than the store bought stuff. As always $20.00 from grandma, I told her that I would buy a smoothie maker, since I love fresh smoothies. A set of lounge pants and lounge tank tops from J and C. A pink Oakland A's jersey, it's so cool! A Keith Urban CD, my last but not least. Oh this one I can take to work when I have nothing to do, a Nintendo DS, in pink! And a game called nintendogs. You get to buy the type of dog you want, buy it's food and water, play with it pick up it's droppings, and the best part about the game it doesn't bother my allergies! I know I'm being such a youngster, since I've got two of them if you can't beat them, might as well join them! They both have Advanced Gameboys. They both wanted me to let them try it, dad told them it was mine and to leave me alone, and let me play with it. Oh and I almost forgot CH came home with 2 dozen orange pink roses. They were so pretty, I think I have a pic. Unless it was one of those sure I'll take the pic when I have time.

Even though we had camera issues it was a good birthday, the best part about the camera is that it's user friendly I took some pictures with it yesterday. One of the cutest pic of my cat in an empty birthday bag. She loves those, I'll have to post it from the family computer. I'll save it for another time.

Edit: This post is 8 days late, we're dealing with a lot of difficulties right now. As always keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Tonight was the first time in over a month that I attended a bible study class and got the new book. I'm looking forward on how this book turns out. The only thing I forgot to ask my bible study teacher was her email addy that way I can keep up with every one else.

Thank you to all of you that have given us well wishes before, and who have stayed with us through thick and thin. May we all continue to strive, in the right direction.

Summer Rose


Just Me said...

The joy of presents! A time to be a kid and girlie. I am sorry things are tough, you and your family are in my prayers for sure.

Oh, and 8 days late on a post? That's nothing, my birthday blog is almost a month late. As long as you had a great time and I get to hear about it eventually.

Confused Husband said...

Thanks a lot dear! You forgot to mention the GC for Victorias Secret for 125 and the 2 movies I got you as well. I see they meant nothing to you at all.