Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I Lost My Temper...

What do you say when you've been pushed, and been told your child should be in school and it's been four damn months and no one has done a damn thing except tell you that your child needs meds. Yesterday I called up early afternoon requesting and damn fucking meeting so our child can have more schooling than just staying home two out three days. (oh by the way sorry for the foul mouth). back to the meeting I had requested an emergancy meeting with all teachers including next years principle at the school were our oldest had attened whether or not he goes there depends if they screw up too. I had asked for this meeting because she got mad at me for not being able to pick him while throwing a tempertantrum at the time I was at work, they don't have my work number just for this reason. I've done what they wanted he's on meds for crying out loud!! What more do they want from me! They're the ones who should be dealing with things like this and further more their is no one able to pick him up, except for those on the release form if I'm not able to then they go down the list. I told her exactly what she had told me back in Nove. they said they would see about him going to school the whole week well it's not happen in an informal meeting with an o.t. she said he isn't ready for half day school what the hell! you expect our son to stay home the two days when he needs the extra help!! Yesterday I had enough!! told her if she didn't come through with my request and soon our son will be pulled out of school and I will find a way of home schooling him until school starts in the fall she said please reconsider. Reconcider over my madness hell no!! she saids I understand your upset, and not thinking clearly, oh I'm not well for your information your the one who wanted him on fucking meds your the one who saids he needs more help so you either come through for me or I'll find a way of shutting down that school of course I didn't say that wanted to but I think I would have gone too far. And I'm the one who has to deal with giving the meds without getting him mad and saying I Hate You! Why do you have to be so mean to me (Crying)! I hold, hug, and pray for him and I cry as well. Just about that time Ch is walking through the door he looks at me and points to the time, we had talked and I had said I had a client coming in a 4:00p.m. he said your going to be late. I finally had to tell our son's teacher I have to go I have a client that I have coming in and I have to be at work before 4:50p.m. Oh he heard me going off on our son's teacher he just looked at me and didn't say a word.. He knew how fed up I've been with our son's school and the staff that is there, I don't think he could blame me for being pissed off. Yea Yea I know the saying better being pissed off than pissed on! I did try not show my anger if front of the boys, I had to ask my oldest if he had home work to at least start it until I could help him with his vocabulary which is hard for him he has to write in handwriting, it's not easy for him he's learning though. I did explain to our son's teacher that I have a doctors appointment in South Sac. on the fifth of April and I would like to take new I.E.P reports to him, instead he is going to be seeing one's from when school had started back in Novemember and the report that was done by the o.t. In the meantime I've felt let down by our son's school and staff, I know what most of you are thinking I need a support group and soon for this kind of trouble with other parents that have been through same stuff as what we are going through as soon as I'm done here I'll be calling our counclers in South Sac. and see if I could talk with her this morning. I'm sorry I'm usually a very calm, peaceful person who dosen't couse at all I do appologize for the foul mouth. I sincerly hope that all of you will see I didn't use a foul mouth on her; I was praying for those words to stay away until I was done on the phone and the drive to my work I was listening to christian music somehow that seems to make me feel so much better. As I was getting out of my truck I could feel god's closeness and knowing that we have a long road ahead of us, And may it lead in the right direcetion for all of us. Plaese for those who have fought for a better education and are in the education system my prayers are with you every step of the way. Blessings to all of you that come by today and in the next few days. S.R.

1 comment:

Summer Rose said...

Thankyou, it took a number of tests to finally figure out what was wrong with our son. There is no right way of treating a child with add, adhd. his doctor over the bridge read his reports, called me with the answer that I didn't take well. It's add, adhd it's not been easy, the agressive behavior was too much for any of us to handle. He is learning to control himself, I just hope that this dosen't last forever. He also has a speach impediments and fine motor skill delays which makes him fusterated when he can't do something for himself. I'm hoping the school will finally to their senses and giving him more schooling before next year.
Take Care
Summer Rose