Friday, February 24, 2006

When it rains Part II

As I finished posting last night, and had a good nights rest which was well needed I found, That there are times when things you get things all in order then again something always is amiss. Well that happen today I pulled into Ch's work as you know is just about five minutes from our house we had a big misunderstanding at my work yesterday and I won't go into much of what happen I'm still praying that I still have a job. All in all they didn't tell me about the third appointment and I came in a little speeding so I know that I'm in hot water. Please pray that I'm not, but anyways that was yesterday and today is a bright and new day and it's beautiful outside I'll open my drapes and let the lord do his job! It's been about three or four days that I've been hearing squeaking in the brakes had Ch look at the fluid it's fine I'm not still not convinced about the noise and it's been getting worse so I pulled over to the garage they have there on site and said take it to the muffler shop he didn't have to drive it far and said, you need new brakes and whatever else that needs to go with them oh great! Ch needs a timing chain I'm praying he can still get it. I'm truly convicted that there is an angle riding around in my suv! So in the mean time can any one explain why now? I mean things are going good a job that I love except Ch is fed up with and I'm hanging in there, with it and there is so much that I want to do and can't because the funds are not there. At least I know there is sunshine outside until Sunday, it's suppose to rain, we haven't had any except for frost on the ground low 30s each morning and fog this morning. So on that note I better go I've been on this thing more than I wanted so everyone that comes by have a very good weekend.


Confused Husband said...

It's not that I'm fed up with the job. I'm just not liking the way that they treat you. If a client comes in at 2 and asks fopr a 3 o clock massage they should call you at 2 to let you know about it. NOT at 3:05. Thats makes you look bad to the client.
As for the vehicle's they will be taken care of. I just ned some time. Breaks will be done by tomorrow night gaurenteed.
Love you!

April said...

Hope your weekend was good!