Sunday, June 04, 2006

I've been tagged! This time by Pretty Peanut.

5 items in my fridge

1. Half container of Cranrasberry juice.
2. Leftovers.
3. veggies.
5. Half eaten watermelon and apples.

5 items in my closet.

1. blankets for the winter.
2. Shoes for all seasons and a punch bowl set.
3. books that I have and haven't read.
4. closet organizer
5. Mis. Clothes.

5 items in my car (suv)

1. Massage Table, and a hands free kit that stays in there all the time.
2. Soda cans that Ch, leaves behind after driving my suv.
3. A dirty hand towel for drying my hands, work doesn't supply them.
4. Gum wrappers from the boys, stickers from Walmart left behind from boys.
5. Trolling plate from Ch's dads boat, ended up ordering a new one.

Tagged Hasarder, I'll let her know.


The Go To Guy said...

A punch bowl set in the closet?? lol


Hee hee... a massage table. Who doesn't have one of those in the car?

cool list...


Summer Rose said...

Glad you like my list, the punch bowl set was given to me after my mom had passed. It's in a safe place, at the moment. The massage table was for a client on Sun. afternoon, I really need to take it out. In fact it's coming out now.

Confused Husband said...

Mr. Hus"bland" I'm sure that for the right price we could work out a deal. :D Yoiu pay for the gas or airline ticket, you'll in return get a discounted massage for yourself & a free one for the misses.
Let's see if we can make it during hunting season & I'll talk her into an even bigger discount.

Summer Rose said...

Ch-have you lost your mind? the question is who is whatching the kids or are you plannig a family vacation?

Mr.Husbland-This must be up your ally? hunting and a massage uhm, lets see how can we do this?