Saturday, August 05, 2006

I'm Still Around

Yes I'm still here, things have bit crazy since, CH has been working nights. And it's been hell on wheels with C, who doesn't like his daddy being gone at night. If any one can relate to having a child, that doesn't like a change in routines please, feel free to give me any little advice that is positive. We still eat as a family, give C, baths I still read to both boys. The problems that I'm running into is activities for him to do. School is in 13 days, and counting. Our family vacation is in one week from this coming Tuesday. And I've had a house full of neighbor's kids, there's only two out of the bunch, that I will have over anytime. I know their mom since I worked at the store, and had a few problems with her son. Which have now been resolved he knows the rules, and is pretty good most of the time. His sister is very nice, makes sure her brother sticks to the rules. I know that summer can take a toll on kids. I'm just not sure what to do with both of them, for the 13 days left of summer. In the meantime, I'm keeping watch over our two boys, and finding sometime to read while they are in bed sleeping.

I'm also working on another sexy post, not exactly like the one that I wrote back in earlier this year. But has some what a sexy plot. That is all for now. Good Night.


The girl-next-door said...

Have you made ice cream in a bag? It should keep them busy for about 2 hours...or you could introduce them to loom knitting (which btw the children with Autism in my class have LOVED) and this little project can go on for as long as the yarn supply holds out (some boys knitted for a 6 week period when they had free time if you can believe it)...what about making piƱatas (paper mache balloons that have been covered, dried, popped, and filled with a few fun treats - no sugar of course) - this project will take a few days to complete...or digging a hole somewhere, burying a treasure, and having the kids follow a map to learn the location of their surprise....

LOL...let me know if you want any info SR. I have a whole bag of tricks when it comes to keeping the kiddos occupied, challenged, and most importantly HAPPY.
Good luck! GND

p.s.- Are you using a daily schedule to help him anticipate rountine changes and adjust to daily events?

Rob said...

"I'm also working on another sexy post, not exactly like the one that I wrote back in earlier this year. But has some what a sexy plot."

I'll certainly look forward to reading it when you have it ready SR. Good luck with your boys until school starts. I can relate to past times with ours. Take care now.

The girl-next-door said...

To make ice cream in a bag you'll need:
cream, white sugar, vanilla, ice, rock salt, gallon size baggies,
sandwich size baggies, and chocolate/strawberry syrup (for flavors other than vanilla).

Pour the following into a sandwich bag: ¾-1 cup cream, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 tbsp sugar, and flavoring(s). Squeeze out the extra air from bag and seal. (The bag should be squishy – pillow like bags will pop while making ice cream).

Place the filled sandwich bag into a gallon size bag, add ice to fill it ½-3/4 the way full, and add rock salt. The more rock salt, the faster (and more successful) you’ll be in making your treat. Remove the extra air from the bag and seal.

Once you have the bags ready, the kids can now start squishing the ice and salt around – like a massaging motion – making the ingredients in the sandwich bag mix and start to freeze, You may want to have a few dishtowels handy – the bags of ice can get pretty cold and your boys may need to wrap them up so their hands don’t get too numb.

The consistency of the ice cream will depend on how fast they squish/knead the bags. It usually takes the kids in my class 35-50 minutes to finish the activity – you’ll have to check to see if the gallon bags need more ice or salt a couple times before it’s ready to eat. **Have extra bags available – it never fails that someone will pop the gallon bag.

One last recommendation: Double bag the cream mix – I have 2 boys who ALWAYS seem to pop the inner bag and it’s a major drag when this happens – all you can do if this happens is start over and that really sucks for them.

A variation of ice cream in a bag is ice cream in a can. Put the sandwich mixture in a coffee can, add salt and ice, and seal it up with a lid. The kids can run around and kick or roll the can until the ice cream is ready.

Hope this is clear enough – let me know how it worked…good luck!


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how fast summer goes by isn't it?

Emily said...

Dear Summer

I really enjoy reading your blog, but I find I don't have much to say because I am such a "Learner" mummy compared to you.

I read you for tips, not the other way around!

Anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm reading you, even though I am basically a lurker.

Boobless Brigade Master said...

Well, I'm guessing school has already started? Or am I guessing wrong?!? LOL.
Either way, hope all is going well:)