Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Where Have I Been?

To answer this question, I've had two busy weekends. Last weekend I went to my second Women's Retreat up in Sonora, the weather was wonderful, the speaker was awesome. There was ten of us from one church, that enjoyed ourselves so much, I even went into the town of Sonora and picked up a new bathing suit. I had saved up all of my tip money about two weeks worth, and took it with me. Before I could really enjoy my weekend of no boys, including Ch. I might as well back up an hour before I could leave for my weekend.

As many of you know Ch has been seeing his counselor for over a year, and since it was a Friday, C has been sent home from school early all week. And since it was payday shopping, and I wasn't about to stay home and wait for the school to call us while we were out of town. So we went ahead and took C with us, he was really good at the two stores we went to, afterwards we went to Ch's doctors appointment. While Ch was in his appointment, I took C back and forth from the truck to doc's building. About 30 minutes into waiting around for Ch, C went into one of his temper tantrums, and this time someone from the counselors station got to see what we go through every day. I couldn't believe my answer to prayers! Finally someone from Kaiser got to see it, to see my son in action. And before I could even fill out the paper work I was hit on the wrist by C, let me just say for a 6 yr old he's got one powerful hit. A counselor came around the Conor to see where I was at, I said I was by the elevator. She couldn't believe her eyes, we talked while watching to see what C would do. He would run back and fourth in the hall way of Kaiser, she observed my son. Asked me a bunch of questions. It didn't take her long to realized we had talked on the phone trying to get help and answers to questions that none of the doctors at the other Kaiser could tell us.

She looked down at the book I was caring, with a child like C she said wow! You are also reading the book called The Secret. I said well it's one that I picked up and put down Ch bought it for me. She couldn't believe she asked me how long has C been like this? I explained to her it's been over a year, no one can give us a good answer to what is going on with C. The second time C came towards us he hit me right on my back side. Talk about a red mark where it doesn't belong, she was as shocked as I was. That's just part of his behavior that I go through, we finally got C to come with us. She took us to her office which had shelves with toys and a basket of toys that he played with, while we talked. I explained to her that Ch was with his doctor at the moment and that he's been having personal issues of his own that he's been dealing with. By that time Ch called me asked where we were at, I said across the hall from his doc's office. I said that I was with someone that actually saw what we have been going through.

The three of us ended up back into the waiting room of kaiser; I called my bible study teacher V told her that I would be driving myself again. I explained to her that we were at Kaiser C went into one of his tantrums, and I would see them when I got there. She reminded me that she loves me, that god loves me and is looking out for us. She would be praying for us. It didn't take long for a few doctors to come out and talk to us. They took us all into a conference room to talk to us and to get us contacted with the right person's that deal with children like C. By the time we got home, it was already 3:30 and I still needed to pack a few things. After my truck was loaded and every thing put inside I looked at the time and almost didn't want to go. It was already late, we spent over an hour at Kaiser I was getting irritated I wanted to just come home, leave for my retreat and not deal with any one. Because one will or can give us any answers. Well needless to say, they all agreed that there is something else going on with C, of course they asked me if I was seeing a counselor? I said no, my outlets is my work, my bible study, that I no longer attend since Ch is working nights. I have no one to watch my boys, I'm planning on going to a retreat leaving at 3:30 this afternoon.

I didn't get on the road until 4:00 p.m. Friday afternoon, and got lost getting up there. I have no idea how I did that one, I did make it in the dark. Pulled in at desert time. I was so close in turning around and coming home, that's how I bad and rotten I was feeling. After finding my way to my place where the retreat was, I was just happy to be with my church family. I explained to them what had happened and that it was a prayer that had finally been answered someone actually saw what we have been going through. Most of my group either went to bed early, or stayed up until 12: a.m. playing domino's. I took myself to bed after I gave every one a should massage. That was my Friday.

After a good nights sleep and getting up early, usually I'm still sleeping until 8:30 a.m. since I was away and wanting to enjoy the peacefulness of being away from home. The second part of the retreat, most of my group signed up for different activities I hung out at the pool most of the afternoon. Tried my hand at the rock climbing wall they have there, I didn't make it to the top like I did last year. I did enjoy myself. The speaker that was there this year was the singer from last year's retreat, she lost a child about a month after he was born. She shared her story on how she and her husband over came this tragedy. They have two children, one has ADHD, went through some of the behaviors of what we were going through. The only difference is that they sent their daughter away to a teen rehabilitation camp out of state. We cannot do that she explained to me, that they sent their daughter away for quite some time. Afterwards they had to relearn, rethink and help their daughter through tough times.

Even though we may have good times and bad times, and want to pull our hair out. We must remember that Patience, prayers and faith will get us through those tough times. All of us are on a road to recovery, C is very smart and just needs a good school that will accept him. Just like the speaker that I talked to, her daughter is very smart and doesn't forget anything either. It takes parents like us to let our kids know we love them no matter how bad they get. I'm so blessed to have many friends to stand by us and pray for us, if we need a shoulder to lean on they are there to guide us love us and encourage us.

My retreat was every thing that I needed, I'm so glad that I had the chance to get away and recharge my batteries. Thank you my dear hubby I'm glad that you sent me away again, I'm hoping to go again next year. The weather was as awesome as the retreat. Last year at this time we were cold rainy, this year we were in the eighties, we all had a good time.

I'm hoping to get in some writing, as soon as I can. There is so much I want to write about it's finding the time to do so. I know good things come to those who wait. And waiting is what every one is going to have to do.


Boobless Brigade Master said...

Well I'm glad you got away and got a chance to relax and regroup. And great news that professionals finally got to see for themselves...I hope they find a way to bring you all some well deserved peace:)

Confused Husband said...

Hey sexy!

I'll make a deal with you. You go back on your retreat next year and the following weekend I go on a "retreat" of my own with a guy from work. He wants me to go to the Rubicon with him next year for Memorial Day weekend.

Just Me said...

I am so glad that the professionals can finally see that your family's problem is not all in your head. And I am glad that you didn't turn around and head home. A time way and covered in prayer always has its benefits.