Sunday, February 04, 2007

Big {{{Hugs}}}

I don't think I can go through this a second time, once is enough for all of us. Yes it's taken a toll on my loving husband. I don't think any of us were really ready or prepared for a slow healing process; Some times it's just mind blowing on how much work has to be put into getting laundry done, and the time it takes for your mind to register where you are at. Ch has been amazing, sure I get a little grumpy only because I can not stand being on bed rest, I have never stayed longer than two days in bed. Your talking about someone who is constantly on the move, I can't even begin to understand how Ch can stay in bed longer than I can, as long as it's quiet and J and C aren't fighting over what to whatch or play. Oh yes that has been a chore in a half you think by now the oldest child can keep his little brother occupyed while you take a short nap because you were up before the alarm went off. Talk about a rude awakening, I was so close into throwing a pillow at both of them for the tantrum that both of them went into. Oh my gosh! I thought I had torn my stitches apart after I counted to three, poor Ch he was so miserable looking, coming to my rescue! After both J and C were sent to different rooms one screaming C and J who knew better in picking a fight.

So yesterday was a little more peaceful, we went to breakfast and did some shopping. It was a little chilly not too bad the cold air sure did feel good on my sore tatas, the swelling has gone down a lot since I came home on Wednsday, which is a much better feeling. Here I have been sleeping on a couch while Ch has been enjoying the bed all to himself! As for bathing that has been a chore in a half, I have to wash my body parts seperatly, I have to wash my hair in the kitchen sink, then I go into the bathroom rather neal in the tub which ch has the pleasure of washing me ;) This one chore that I'll be glad to be rid of, I'm sure it's ....umm....well you get the picture! He's done a good job in washing me not to get any water around my bra I have to stay completly dry, no water down or around my stitches. We both have been very careful on hugging one another, he's afraid of making me any more sorer than what I'm already am. I'm just wanting to be able to have full rein of my chore list!

Today has been a lot better things are still slow moving, so this morning I got a little brave and laid down with Ch before he was ready to get up, I do miss being able to lay down with him. As I was checking to see how I was doing underneath my bra area I noticed I must have leaked at some point. I'm sure it's nothing to really worry about I'm to see my doctor tomorrow afternoon, I'm not all that worried I did let ch know about it, he asked if I was okay I said yes. I'm not in any serve pain, I'm hoping it's just the swelling that is going down, and I didn't tear anything while laying next to ch this morning, this is all we both don't need right now.

Here's to BIG HUGS to all my well wishers out there, thank you for all the prayers they have given me so much peace, and courage. To know that there are so many of you pulling for us. I would do the same for any one who is going through a tough time. This kind of plastic surgery is not for every woman, it should be known as the surgery from hell! Because of the healing process and your limited to very short movements. And if your one who likes to be up and doing things, I will warn you be prepared on being very, very, sleepy and sore.


Rob said...

SR, as I told CH earlier in a comment in his blog, have patience, eventually you'll heal and this will all be over, well worth the stress.

Satan said...

Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like it really bites, but hopefully it will be better soon. I agree with rob, it sounds like it will be worth the stress in the end to get this fixed. Feel better!