Thursday, February 22, 2007


So this is what it's like, to own a FORD. Third trany needs to be sent back to where it was built. Which means I won't get my suv for the weekend, which means I'm miss CHURCH!! And believe me I will not, nor will I own another, FORD in my drive way! I can not wait until I can get a transfer, that is the only way we're going to be able to afford something that is more reliable. For those who owns one glad to hear that yours isn't in the damn shop! If life could throw me another, J needs to have three fillings along with braces, just great one more thing to add to my list of I don't want nor do I need this Shit at the moment!

As for my health I've relapsed last night, my stitches are poking the under side of my arm. And I have until Monday to have them remove, at least I've got that to look forward to. The only income we are getting at the moment is CH's my disability will not kick in until I get back onto my feet and work again. Which won't be until March 19th right now I'm praying really hard, and remembering songs that get me through the tough times.

The pic below is one that I took, C was being cute and thought mom needed a foam bullet on her door. It's a good thing my suv is at the shop, I would like to drown it in the river. Or put a real bullet right, through the engine. Of course my mechanic said that wouldn't do any one any good. So the thought was there.

Edit: This was suppose to be, last nights post. I didn't get done until this morning. #94


Anonymous said...

Hopefully you'll feel lots better when you get your stitches out...

Fusion said...

I owned a mercury tracer (same as a ford escort) years ago that was the bigest pile of shit I've driven. Highlights included the tranny turning to sludge at 47,000 miles, and the engine self destructing at 82,000 miles, at which point it was replaced with a toyota corolla. Worthless car.
I feel your pain SR. Car problems suck!

ArtfulDodger said...

Ouch! That sucks, I have never nor will I ever own a Ford, way too many friends and family examples of tragedy to listen to. Feel your pain though, car troubles can just be the last straw! Hope you feel better.

Summer Rose said...

Dfp- only 24 hours to go, Yah!! and I can't wait!

Fusion- Thak you for stopping, I have to agree fords are pain. Hopefully you don't find me to boring. :)

Art- I gues that is why the intiuals are:
Oh Ch is going to kill me. haha!
I'll be feeling better tomorrow.

cinnamon girl said...

You probably don't know this, but SUV's are held in almost universal contempt over here in Oz. We have 4 wheel drives, but nothing quite as big as an SUV. Getting a new car can be expensive, but if you shop carefully (and don't buy American) you will get so many more miles per gallon that it will pay for itself fairly quickly.
Good luck with the stiches! I hope all is well there.

Summer Rose said...

Hasarder- There's only one problem, my uncle worked for GM. My hubby has an uncle that retired from working with Ford. I would my loyalty is with GM, and Chevys.

All is good except, for the itching of the stitches. Not much longer.

for a different kind of girl said...

Cripes! I so *love* when all of life's hurdles force you to jump over them at once! We just dumped way (WAY!) too much money into our used minivan, but our choices were not ours to make.

I sympathize with you!

Summer Rose said...

For a different kind of girl- Thank you for stopping by, oh yes how well I *love* those. Hopefully not too much longer, my neighbors that moved away not too long ago. Her transmission has also went out in her Ford expedition.