Tuesday, February 06, 2007

So Far So Good

Just wanted to let every one know, that I did go back to the doctors yesterday. Every thing is going well, there is still swelling and burses are slowly starting to fade away. The hard part was actaully having the bandages removed, as I was sitting on the table he had this mirror on the counter, I saw some of the major work that was done. I about passed out on my doctor, as he was taking the gaze off of my stitches. I felt this strange leakage feeling, I took my figure to see why I was feeling strange there was blood on my figure. Freaked me out a little, that is why my doctor had me lie down. He was still concered over the swollen areas in time it will heal.

As for today I'm by myself I did take my first shower, which felt so good so I got a little brave and shaved my legs. Let me just say that wasn't a good idea, I thought for sure I was having that passing out feeling, I know not a good feeling. I washed got out and put my p.j. buttoms on with a light cotten t-shirt.

This my short update for today, after my experince in the shower and having lunch by myself I'm going to have myself a nice nap. There isn't much I can do, I would like to wash the dishes but my body is saying not yet. I really need to work on that. Sheesh!


Confused Husband said...

You don't need to worry about the dishes or anything else. Except getting better and RESTING! You have the perfect opportunity to get all the rest that you need with no interuptions.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Listen to your body, your doctor and your husband, Summer. You need to rest up and that way get better faster.

Just Me said...

I am glad that the healing is going on. And yes, listen to CH and rest. Rent some movies - but none that make you laugh too much. My prayers are with you.

Michael said...

Take care of yourself and maybe have CH shave your legs next time. I know he's probably having to do a lot for you right now while you're healing and all, but I'd bet he wouldn't mind doing that for you.

Get well and stay in touch.


Summer Rose said...

CH - At least I'm not feeling as tired as I was last week.

Dirty filthy princess - Very much listening to my body, if I want to get up and move I move, if I want to sleep I sleep.

Just Me - The Travel channe has become my favorite, not to mention What Not Too Wear.

Michael - Yes you are right about the shaving legs, letting Ch do that would have been easier than feeling whoozy.


Therese in Heaven said...

I'm so glad you're doing better! I'm not sure I would trust even the best intentioned husband with a razor next to my legs, though! :)

Summer Rose said...

Therese in heven - Ch is pretty good with a razer, I had to have him shave my arm pits for me. And my unmentionables.