Friday, March 31, 2006

This Should Be Fun

If any one has heard, CH left for the snow this morning and arrived there about 10:30 a.m. this morning. Sorry it's taken me a while to tell everyone, I really don't know how I'm feeling with him gone, I'm happy at least that's what I'm feeling I have the usual stuff to do the laundry, dishes, the regular stuff that I have do whether he is here or not. CH asked if he could go knowing the risks of his job I realize that his job requires, a good nights rest and training, I also know that he has been a several accidents that require his training if you call shutting down a highway and having people yell at you to reopen it. And he's telling them how to get around. As yeserday would have it he had called me they are calling people for the snow I said sure, hey we've down this road before no problem, he calls me again says he's not sure when he's coming home they're dealing with a tragic accident on the bridge the only bridge that crosses river going out of town toward Sacramento, I don't think people realize that he puts his life on the line. Basically I was getting him ready to go to the snow while he was still at work, the basic stuff like socks and jeans. I washed my suv and rainxed the windshield, got all the trash out back packs, the usual stuff kids will leave behind. By the time CH got home it was about 4:30p.m. I made dinner and he went to the store, realized I missed a meeting for Ricky for kinder next year great! now I will have to wait until August to meet any of the kinder teachers. Our evening together was not the way he wanted to leave, you know it's the best we could do short on notice for me. I know I'm leaving a lot of stuff out from yesterdays road closure I can't say what he saw, getting around town for us locals it's not so bad I pretty much know my way around for those who were not from here. Well they should have found another way instead of speeding down a resident's area, If I wasn't out in the cold washing my suv and watching and hearing what was coming around the corner a truck would have hit a child yesterday. To say the least, I'm just glad it's all over said and done I feel for the families that were involved whether or not they had families elsewhere my heart goes out to them. As for today, I'm feeling a knot in my stomach for some reason this doesn't usually happen when CH is gone for a weekend or working the night shift, for some reason today of all days it just won't go away. He has text me twice today I'm not sure if he will call I know the service is bad in the area where he's working. Lodging we got a break on they have a yard for those who work for the state to sleep and eat at, which will help us in the long run. He's got a camera with him I'm sure as soon as he gets back, and settled he will be sharing pictures. The part I don't like is I don't have much family around for me if I need something, his parents don't live too far. We just never have gotten a long very good, I can walk into a room and light it up, I can't say for his but it's so hard to call on them. His mom is so busy and I won't ask for anything from her. I love it when he's gone except for today, I would much rather be doing something together this weekend but then again we do need the money so I shouldn't be feeling this way. The kids are in good hands I have them we are safe from the storm that has been going on outside, so I'm hoping that this will soon go away. I hope that everyone has a good weekend, and maybe we will hear from CH he's got the laptop with him I don't know if he has enternet access. Fat chance of that happening; the poor guy Yea right!


O272 said...

It has to be hard for you to not only run the household single handedly while CH is gone, but to worry about CH's safety on top of that. I hope the time goes quickly for you.

Summer Rose said...

At times, I don't know which is worse the phone not ringing or him not text messaging me. It's not easy and I'm afraid he'll be up there for a while. Thankyou for the hugs it means a lot to me.
P.S. it's your husbands b-day enjoy it.